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12 April 2010

:: ying + yang ::

After having boy/girl twins, I am a firm believer that boys and girls are BORN fundamentally different. C1 (boy) is impulsive and assertive, while C2 (girl) is thoughtful and laid back. Same womb, same parents, same home. Totally different realities. Not exactly a politically correct idea, but scientifically supported.

During our "date night", Architectdad indulged me with a trip to the book store. I searched the new non-fiction display and found "the Male Brain" by Louann Brizendine, MD. I also picked up her early book "the Female Brain."

I found the chapters about fetal and child brain development the most interesting. By week 8 of pregnancy, the differentiation between the girl brain vs. the boy brain begins. After birth, the maturation process of neural connections is affected greatly by chemical differentiation as well as nurture. For instance, a baby girl is more likely to make eye contact with her parents because she is better than picking up emotional cues in facial expressions and voices than her male counterpart. Her parents then reinforces this trait by making funny faces to make her smile or laugh. This nurturing further strengthens the neural connections responsible for emotional sensitivity and social adaptability.

Fascinating read...