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CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT: Family. Friends. Hounds. Books. The Beach. Autumn. Cameras. Computer. iPhone. The color orange. Caramel frappucino. The words "dude!" and "nice!". Oh...and world peace ;-)

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22 February 2013

19 February 2013

:: Project Life 02.19.13 | {more} ::

On my way to my first grandé no-whip caramel frappucino this morning, I was greeted by this plaid "situation." "Less is More" is apparently not the motto of the Brooks Brothers S/S 2013 collection.

18 February 2013

17 February 2013

:: Project Life 02.17.13 | {shared space} ::

My space is your space, your space is my space. I guess that's what happens in a multi-person household.

16 February 2013

:: Project Life 02.16.13 | {heavenly} ::

I've been a little under the weather this week. My son decided to keep me company in bed while I recuperate. Wish I have eyelashes like that...

14 February 2013

:: Project Life 02.14.13 | {romance} ::

While catching up on the final season of "Weeds", I assembled 60+ Valentine's for my crew. By the way, can I just tell you how much I love the Paper Source?! It's such a racket, but they always have amazing ideas for every occasion possible. Happy Valentine's Day!

13 February 2013

:: Project Life 02.13.13 | {steps} ::

In my efforts to live a healthier lifestyle, I've taken up running again. Well, when I say again, I mean since, hmmm, I'd say, 1993? At least that was the last time I owned a pair of athletic shoes with shoelaces. This time around, I tested out several pairs of running shoes that will help me get the most out of my workout without hurting myself. Thank goodness for Zappos! Here's my stepping pyramid made of Nike boxes.

12 February 2013

:: Project Life 02.12.13 | {good times} ::

My daughter's school celebrated Mardi Gras with a Chinese New Year performance today. Love the diversity in this country!

11 February 2013

:: Project Life 02.11.13 | {tasty} ::

Our clan is addicted to cupcakes. We get cupcakes for almost every occasion...or really, just for the heck of it.

In fact, we get cupcakes so often that we, hmmm, sometimes forget about them. These are leftovers from O's birthday in December. No sign of degradation. It's as if they've evolved into some sort of faux pastry home decor.

10 February 2013

:: Project Life 02.10.13 | {lucky} ::

Happy Year of the S-s-s-nake! We spent the day eating delicious dim-sum, jumping on a 50-foot long trampoline and swinging on a giant swing...how lucky were we?!

09 February 2013

:: Project Life 02.09.13 | {adventure} ::

Project Life 02.09.13 | {adventure}

I remember a friend from architecture school giving me a stern lecture about how Ohio is considered northern, while Washington DC is southern. Maybe that's why the wild ducks have forgone flying "South" & chose to stuck around here this winter...

08 February 2013

:: Project Life 02.08.13 | {center} ::

Our oceans give us some of the most fascinating life form in the world. The complex life cycle of the sea anemone & its important role within the ecosystem are hidden behind its centralized physical form.

07 February 2013

:: Project Life 02.07.13 | {my view} ::

A woman, whom I met in the Fall of '11 at a photography workshop, is going through something so extraordinary that most of us probably couldn't even fathom: the pain of losing a child to cancer. Her story always puts my own experiences in perspective. Hug your little ones closer, tell them you are proud of them and cherish every second...

06 February 2013

:: Project Life 02.06.13 | {saved up}

A friend of mine told me about 5 years ago that I was crazy to buy that weird looking iPhone, and it was never going to catch on. Well, many iterations later, I'm still in love...

05 February 2013

04 February 2013

:: Project Life 02.04.13 | {daily life} ::

I've been wearing corrective lenses for my myopia since the third grade. Yup. Blind as a bat. A routine checkup has become part of my "annual maintenance."

Which ones clearer? This one? Or this one? About the same? Ok, what about this one? Or this one?

03 February 2013

:: Project Life 02.03.13 | {bedside} ::

Have I mentioned how talented my mom is? She could've been a surgeon. She has the most dexterous hands and an incredibly creative mind. My children of course not only benefit from having her genes, but they also get to sleep with all of the gorgeous, handmade stuffed animals that Grandmommy lovingly makes for them...

Oh yes, and...Go Ravens!!!

02 February 2013

:: Project Life 02.02.13| {repetition} ::

Happy Groundhog Day! I dislike parking garages, but I love the brutal functionality of the structural grid & lighting.

01 February 2013