
:: me! ::

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CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT: Family. Friends. Hounds. Books. The Beach. Autumn. Cameras. Computer. iPhone. The color orange. Caramel frappucino. The words "dude!" and "nice!". Oh...and world peace ;-)

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25 December 2013

:: merry merry ::

Merry Christmas, everyone! Wishing you the happiest of holidays with your loved ones...

24 December 2013

:: 'till next time ::

Our Elf on the Shelf, Sparkle, has seen and heard much these past couple of weeks. Now it is time for her to head back to Santa and enjoy a well-deserved break. See you next year, Sparkle, we will miss you!

15 December 2013

:: Project Life 12.15.13 | {challenge} ::

With tons of year-end happenings, I've neglected to post here. So, to keep me photographically motivated this holiday season, I am challenging myself by taking portraits of *Sparkle*. Yep. She's our beloved Elf on the Shelf.

Nothing crazy and mischievous -- just some pretty portraits of the Lady in Red. Here she is, "letting it rip" with Beyblades:

ISO 1600 | 50mm prime | f/1.2 | 1/100 sec