- Goal: Create 4 visual maps.
- Tools: Colored pens and paper.
- Light: N/A
- Location: N/A
- Theme: RESONATE --> Becoming in tune with who you are.
- Duration: 15 minutes per visual map.
- Subject(s): N/A
- Step 1: Visit www.visualthesaurus.com to familiarize yourself with visual maps.
- Step 2: VP #1 {WORD SELF-PORTRAIT} --> Select a favorite colored pen and write your name in the center of a new page. Write down 30+ adjectives that describe who you are with a variety of different-colored pens. Circle the ones you think fit best and connect the words with lines.
- Step 3: VP #2 {TRAGEDY/LOSS} --> Write your name in the center of a new page using a dark colored pen. Use a muted-color pen to write down tragedies or loss you've experience in life -- be sure to include loss from the different stages of life. Write down the quote, "From crisis comes opportunity." Write notes about how certain challenges have shaped who you are.
- Step 4: VP #3 {INTERESTS/PASSIONS} --> Write your name in the center of a new page. Write down all of your interests, passions, sports, and hobbies that you've pursued throughout your life. Go back and circle items that stand out most.
- Step 5: VP #4 {CONNECTIONS} --> Write your name in the center of a new page. Write down 30+ of your current connections in life. Write down connections that you would like to pursue in the future.
- Step 6: VP #5 {GOALS} --> Write your name plus the word photography (or your photography business name) in the center of a new page. Write down 25+ photographic goals you'd like to achieve. Circle the top 5.
- Step 7: Tack up your completed visual maps on the wall. Consider how this exercise can help you make images that resonate with who you are. Share your maps with a few friends and write down 10 people pictures that you would like to make in the future. Save this list. You can use it in later exercises in the book.
- Four visual maps + list of 10 people pictures you would like to make in the future.
For more tips and inspiration, please read Chris Orwig's "People Pictures."
**Since the parts of this exercise are of a more personal nature, I will not post my visual maps here. However, I will try to give a summary of what I learn about myself from this exercise and the photos I want to make in the future.**
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