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14 January 2008

::organic at a bargain::

Even though O is already one year old, I still like layering short-sleeved onesies under her street clothes for extra warmth. I browsed through Kate Quinn Organics and American Apparel for plain, organic bodysuits. I have had great experiences with both brands, but am not crazy about the prices. I'm okay with spending a little more on pajamas and outerwear, but $12-$15 for a onesie?! A week's worth of onesies would cost $84-$105 + shipping!

So, on a hunch, I surfed Amazon.com for a bargain. Sure enough, Andrew Christian (through Amazon.com) sells American Apparel organic onesies for $6.25 each! That's almost 50% off! Needless to say, I stocked up ;-) Andrew Christian is located in North Hollywood, CA, so shipping (USPS Priority) to the East Coast takes a little longer (less than a week though).

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