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18 November 2007

::trouble magnet::

What is it about this blog?! If I write about how much I love something, that "thing" inevitably breaks down or becomes defective in some way. First it was the Candeloo lights, then it was the Nurseryworks crib, then it was the Bugaboo Bee and now it's the Seventh Generation diapers!

First, you know all about the Candeloo lights from a previous entry. In fact, my friend Lauren is now in the process of getting a SECOND replacement base for her lights.

O's Nurseryworks crib has started to delaminate--the veneer on the footboard is peeling off! O picked off the pieces with her pincer grip and I found her with a big chunk of it in her mouth! I contacted Nurseryworks and sent them some photos of the defect. One of the owners replied immediately and promised to send me a new one. It has been a month and the replacement still hasn't arrived.

The Bugaboo Bee is also a little off-kilter. It has failed to fold properly several times; and every time we attempt to flip the seating direction, the balance is somehow thrown off. I haven't written to Bugaboo yet. But I'm definitely going to.

The most recent trouble comes from the 160 Seventh Generation diapers that I ordered from Drugstore.com. The price was great, but the product??? Not so much. I have not had any trouble using them up until now. It seems this whole case of diapers lacks the full amount of absorbent gel which keeps the babies' tushies dry and leak-free! Every single piece I used from this batch has absolutely no absorbency and leaked every time. I even did a little kitchen experiment on the diapers. I poured some warm water into the diaper just to see if the moisture is absorbed. Nothing. The water stays near the surface and the diaper doesn't even "puff up" like it normally does when the gel comes in contact with liquid. After some research on the internet, I noticed that Seventh Generation diapers have been plagued with quality control issues in the last year. Apparently they changed from a German manufacturer to a U.S. based factory. Hmmm...

I wrote to Seventh Generation and Drugstore.com already. We shall see what happens.


Anonymous said...

if you need any strongly worded letters, i know someone who is in the biz. cloth diapers? just throwing it out there.

Blogger User said...

I got nervous after reading this b/c I had just ordered some 7th Gen diapers from drugstore.com (after you tipped me off about the deal). Luckily my case seems to be decent quality. I have to say 7th Gen are not the most absorbent, but they are still good and I feel at least marginally better by not putting more dioxins in the world ... If I were a better person I'd switch to cloth, but ... Eh.