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12 October 2011

:: inspired | washington dc me ra koh workshop ::

This past weekend, I - along with 24 extraordinary women - attended a Me Ra Koh photography workshop. It wasn't just about shutter speed, F stop and film speed; it was also about the art and soul of photography and doing what you love - in spite of whatever obstacles we may encounter in our daily lives. My sincerest thanks to my fellow attendees, Me Ra K. and Brian T. - you have inspired me to do better and to enjoy every moment of everyday. I truly loved sharing belly laughs with you all :-)

Here are some shots from the workshop - big thanks to our model families...we couldn't have done it without you!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Leslie- Great shots! My favorite shot is the one of the girl looking over her dad's shoulder. I'm SO glad you were able to attend the workshop. I can't wait for my turn in March!