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04 August 2007

::can it get any hotter::

It was 102 degrees (90% humidity) here today at 5 PM! What kind of craziness is spawning this weather?! I think it's time people start listening to Al Gore and friends, and do something about Global Warming. Yup, this is coming from someone who drives a gas guzzling SUV.

Actually, if you compare the entire lifespan of an SUV to that of a hybrid (like the concept Hybrid X from Toyota), the results are very surprising. Due to its tech intensive production and disposal processes, the hybrid in the end turns out to be LESS GREEN than the traditional petrol SUV. Of course, by owning a petrol vehicle, I am not only polluting the air, but also fueling and perpetuating the "oil crusades" around the world.

Hydrogen car...now, that's the bomb. Figuratively speaking, of course.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What are the "tech intensive production and disposal processes" of the hybrid - and wouldn't higher production runs reduce the initial setup costs - environmentally speaking?