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14 August 2007

::giddy as a school girl::

When O was born, she had a full head of hair. Unfortunately, the hair didn't stick around. Well...at least the new ones started emerging as the old ones buried themselves in her crib, her stroller, her towels, her clothes...

Her hair is now about 1-1/2" long overall--enough for mom to start experimenting with hair accessories. I'm not talking about satin bows and tulle...yech! I found some felt hair clips made by Giddy Giddy that are simple and mod. Best of all, it stays on...even on baby-fine hair.

Each clip is handcrafted with a snap clip sewn securely inside felt fabric. You can choose from three categories of designs: flowers, animals or food. You can buy them online from Piccolini.com.


Anonymous said...

they are cute but look like bandaids. what's wrong with good ol'fashioned hair gel?

or maybe a little elmers?

Leslie C said...

I agree...the oblong ones do look a little like bandaids. But I'll tell you what, architectdad can't wait to be able to spike O's hair with elmer's...the old fashion way! Just kidding.