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11 October 2007

::puff mommy::

It was our two-year wedding anniversary on Tuesday. Architectdad found time in his busy schedule to spend time with us ;-) I told him "no presents", since we just spent mucho $$$ on the beagles dental cleaning. BTW, if you have pets, make sure you have their teeth cleaned and checked by a veterinarian every 3 years; otherwise, you will not only end up with a HUGE dental bill, you may also end up with a very sick animal. The bacteria in their mouth can infect the jaw bones, and if swallowed, the germs could get into the pet's body and cause systemic infections.

Anywho, architectdad gave me a Burberry down puffer coat in anticipation of the upcoming winter season. Of course, on Tuesday, the high temp for the day was over 90 degrees! Needless to say, I didn't have a chance to try it out ;-) Although, as two cold fronts move into our area today, the temp will drop down considerably, so it won't be long! The good thing about a puffer coat is that it is not only warm, but also light. Sure beats lugging a heavy wooly coat around the playground.

Now if I could just convince him O needs her own Burberry quilted jacket...

1 comment:

Blogger User said...

Happy anniversary! Nice puffer. (Now I am surfing the web for a lightweight winter coat while B naps ...)