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07 May 2012

:: exercise #10 results part 3 {arms length} | 30 people pictures ::

Here we are, at the conclusion of exercise #10 of the People Pictures exercises. This is what I've learned:
  • Empathy for my clients -- It is much easier to hide behind the big camera than to be in front of it.
  • Bracketing exposures -- Since I shoot in manual mode, I had to set the exposure recipe intuitively and then tweak it to get it right. Although I usually use the center auto-focus point, for this, I put the AF on auto for better results.
  • I definitely have a "better" side :-)
  • Photoshop is a middle-aged woman's best friend.
I shot this image in my workspace, with the camera slightly overhead at arms-length. I used the lowest possible F-stop (1.2), in hopes of blurring some of the "no-so-desirable." Of course there is some "photoshopping", but I left the multitude of freckles alone for authenticity :-)

Happy Monday! Please check back tomorrow for the intro to Exercise #11!

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