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CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT: Family. Friends. Hounds. Books. The Beach. Autumn. Cameras. Computer. iPhone. The color orange. Caramel frappucino. The words "dude!" and "nice!". Oh...and world peace ;-)

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29 May 2013

:: taking a break ::

My family and I have experienced a lot of of ups and downs during the last two weeks -- including an unexpected, but scary trip to the hospital; a well-deserved family holiday to the beach; a trip to the vet in which we found out one of our beagles is most likely terminally ill.

Through it all, our families and friends have been incredibly supportive and helpful, letting us know that they are here for us no matter what. We've even made a new friend, Natalie, who has been an invaluable resource for us during our stay in the hospital.

From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you. It will be an uphill adventure for a while, but we hope that with your love and support, we will come through it on top.

I will be taking a break from the biz for a little while, but I hope to come back stronger than ever. I will still post [nearly] daily photos for Project Life 365, and I hope to post more tips & tricks on how to take better iPhone photos, as well as tips on taking great pics of your children with that fancy DSLR camera of yours :-)

Stay well.

P.S. I still plan on holding a couple of iPhonography classes over the summer, so please email me if you are interested!

1 comment:

ExpatMom said...

{Hugs} and best wishes.