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13 June 2007

::for your little princes and princesses::

While browsing on the Cuddly Couture website, I came across some dresses by Marie-Chantal. The founder is the Crown Princess Pavlos of Greece, Princess of Denmark, Marie-Chantal (nee M-C Claire Miller). You're probably thinking: "good lord, what is it now...tiaras and toutous?!"

Actually, I was pleasantly surprised. The designs are in fact pretty simple and elegant. Tasteful, not gaudy as you might expect. The M-C online store is also well-designed and easy to navigate.

As a side note, I love her children's names: Maria-Olympia, Constantine Alexios, Achileas-Andreas and Odysseas Kimon. L, how about naming your tater after one of the characters from "the Odyssey?!"


Anonymous said...

You are OUT of control! Can you see L running after a Constantine-Alexios? Could you see me trying to get all that out on a good day? I would resort to hey, kid!

Anonymous said...

granted some of the clothes are cute - but the coordinating bows and headbands? that is inexcusable and wrong. and you call yourself Dutch - pulah.