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07 June 2007


I am a sufferer of seasonal allergies. I'm not talking about the occasional sniffles, but more on the level of the Dhammapada...there is no enlightenment without suffering. Basically, my sinuses have been plugged up for the last few months and I have not been able to catch any conversation in its entirety for as long. I have also developed this annoying cough which has turned my lovely alto voice into a raspy Brenda Vaccaro impression. All this due to the fact that my internist has been cancelling on me for a month now...I was finally able to get an appointment for tomorrow. Let's keep our fingers crossed...let's hope Dr P gives mommy something GOOD to get rid of this annoying cough and head congestion. Needless to say, I'm a little cranky at the moment...so here it goes:

*I hate Starbucks...why do I always get the B (or C) Team when I'm there?!?!?! How hard is it to make a venti/no-whip/caramel frappucino?!?!?!

*Bumbo baby sitter now has a tray that "clips" onto the seat...awesome!

*Will architectdad please fix the d!#m dryer already?!

*G-diapers DO NOT handle baby poop well...at all.

*O is the loudest baby I've ever met. Even with my plugged up ears.

I know...it's not very Buddhist of me to be complaining so much...but I'm suffering!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ouch! maybe you got some frappucino up your nose! someone needs a time out.