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14 June 2007

::function over form::

As a principle, architectdad and I refuse to buy anything for O unless it is aesthetically pleasing. I know, it sounds obnoxious and wrong, but that is the way we are with everything.

However, today we broke down and inherited the Exersaucer. V gave us M*x's old ES because O loves it so much (THANK YOU!). It is essentially a "command center" in which O is supported upright. It allows her to practice standing and turning, as she spins around and plays with the toys around her. Trust me, it's not pretty. But she loves it, so that's all that matters. Besides, this will give me a chance to take a shower in the morning without her crying hysterically. I'm all for that.

Another thing, the ES is preparing O for world domination. When she is in the ES, she bears a striking resemblance to the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-Il--ready to obliterate democracy. The earnestness is frightening.

Now if we can only figure out how to incorporate the Commie Command Center into our living room landscape....................

BTW, welcome back E and S!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Lord! I didn't think she could be any happier. She looks delirious. All hail O! And I will find her those glasses - your minimalist Dutch finger puppets will have a hell of a time keeping up with this!