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13 February 2012

:: exercise #2 results {clarifying your craft} | 30 people pictures ::

This week's "People Pictures" exercise is all about CELEBRATION, COLLECTION and CRITIQUE of the visual world around us. An objective of this exercise is to establish habits/routine that we can incorporate into our lives that will help clarify our artistic vision.

As a recovering architect, this exercise was right up my alley. I still often have flashbacks of crits and presentations from the biz -- think post-traumatic stress, rather than sweet nostalgia. However, one very important skill that I learned from being in the profession -- for which I am grateful -- is visual analysis of all things, well, visual. In many ways, I was encouraged to celebrate my natural penchant for beautiful "things" -- buildings, objects, art etc. I was encouraged to collect and document them in a multitude of ways -- sketch, paint, photograph etc. I was taught to think critically about what makes "something" appealing and visually successful.

Instead of tearing and pasting images into a journal, I decided to document my exercise with iPhone photos and Pinterest boards. Sure, there is something to be said about the tactile quality of paper, glue and pen/pencil (as my old-school profs and colleagues would agree). However, I feel that the collecting of imagery through electronic means is equally valid in this day and age. Of course, I was also one of the few people in my program who presented the master's thesis project using computer generated drawings and images (gasp!).

Here is my journey of CELEBRATION, COLLECTION and CRITIQUE in pictures:

CELEBRATE something that I naturally enjoy -- visiting a museum (Hirshhorn).

COLLECT images that I love (American Photo Mag, NGS & rodneysmith.com)

CRITIQUE | What makes a people picture good or great? A great portrait is the perfect blend of fiction and non-fiction -- a beautiful story that awakens your imagination, yet carries meaning that grounds it in reality. ~Leslie C.

Photo of a geisha applying lipstain by Jodi Cobb
This photo by Jodi Cobb has the perfect blend of fiction and non-fiction. This is the story of an anonymous woman who is carrying on the ancient profession of privately entertaining rich, powerful businessmen/politicians. One could easily imagine all that she encounters at work, yet we know she is bound by a code of conduct that prohibits her from disclosing what she sees & hears. On the other hand, I am eager to learn more about the facts behind her profession and the tradition. Why the white makeup and red lips? What was her training like? What is the average age of a geisha? What is the psychology behind this profession (from the perspective of the performers and the clients).

Please let me know how you spent our second week of our "People Pictures" exercises! Tell me where you found inspirations and what you've learned about looking at pictures critically. If you'd like to see what else inspires me, feel free to follow me on Pinterest.

Please also check out these photographers and read about their experiences with this week's exercise:

Abbey Road Designs -- http://abbeyroaddesigns.blogspot.com/
Claudia Muir Photography -- http://claudiamuirphotography.com/blog/
GSG Photography -- http://gsgphotography.wordpress.com/
Elaine Janet Photography– http://elainejanet.com/
What Eyes See Daily -- http://whateyesseedaily.blogspot.com
Group -- http://dc2011women.blogspot.com/



Elaine said...

Leslie, the images you posted are so unique which reminds me of your portraits. I really enjoyed looking at these. I also enjoyed your quote. Nice Job!!

leslie said...

I find the collection of photographs so interesting which is so important in clarifying your craft. You just never know what speaks to us and why. I love your quote. It is so true! Great job. I can't wait to be so tech savvy when I grow up. Haha.

Lizzy said...

Beautiful photos to express your feelings.

Love your quote.