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14 February 2012

:: heart to heart | washinton dc valentine's day photographer ::

You're in the mood for love.
You're in the mood to dance.
You're in the mood for a little romance.
You're in the mood for love.

Can I have the last chance.
To be your little romance.
Can I have the last dance.
I'm in the mood for love.

~"Little Romance" by Ingrid Michaelson (listen to it on my playlist)

While organizing (reshuffling, more like!) our basement storage, we found a HUGE bag of old crayons from our wedding. To keep the underaged guests entertained, we had craft stations set up around the reception area. Instead of adding them to our already motley collection of crayons and markers, I recycled them for Valentine's Day.

WEDDING --> VALENTINE's for O's classmates. Appropriate, don't you think??? Here's to my *secret* soft spot for romantic comedies, peppy indie music and scallop-edge paper punches.

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

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