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17 April 2012

:: exercise # 10: self-portrait | 30 people pictures ::

  • Goal: Create 30 self-portraits.
  • Tools: Camera and 16-35mm or 50mm lens.
  • Light: Light or available light.
  • Location: Indoors or outdoors.
  • Duration: 60 minutes
  • Subject(s): You!
  • Step 1: {Reflection Self-Portrait} Photograph yourself in any type of reflective surface -- up close and far away, vertical and horizontal.
  • Step 2: {Outdoors Self-Portrait} Using the self-timer and NO tripod, create well-composed photos of yourself out in the world.
  • Step 3: {Arm's-Length Self-Portrait} Use a wide angle (16-35mm) or normal (50mm) lens, hold your camera at arm's length and point it toward you -- positioning camera high & low.
  • Step 4: {Post-Photo Shoot Reflections} After the shoot, jot down what you learned from this exercise, both in being the subject and how you appear when you are shooting others.

This is going to be a revealing exercise. Check back next Monday for the results!

1 comment:

claudia said...

I can't wait to see your results!