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13 May 2007

::happy mother's day::

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers and mothers-to-be! Oh, and grandmas too, of course!

How has my experience been as a new mother? It has been even better than I ever expected. O brings so much joy and laughter to my life that the benefits far outweigh the poopy diapers (even the REALLY BIG ones!). No doubt, it has been a real adjustment for me. I've gone from designing and building a world-class rehabilitation center to reading "I Kissed the Baby!" and singing "Where is Thumbkin." I wouldn't trade it for the world. Once you've seen the unconditional love in your baby's eyes, it is all over.

Although, I have noticed babies are a lot like contractors. To get them to do something for you, you have to cajole them into thinking it is a good idea for both parties. And if nice talk doesn't get you the results you want, then a good smack upside the head always works. JUST KIDDING...DON'T CALL SOCIAL SERVICES. One major difference is that cursing like a sailor is an everyday occurrence during construction...can't really do that in front of a baby, I'm afraid.

Granted, it has been hard to stay fabulously glamorous. For a couple of months postpartum, I looked nothing like I used to. Actually, I take that back, I looked A LOT like how I looked in architectural school, plus a few pounds. Baggy eyes, stained t-shirts, stringy hair...wow, it was rough. But now that O is sleeping better and we are able to get around more, I am attempting to retrieve some semblance of decorum. I find that by keeping myself presentable at all times, it not only makes me feel good, it makes my presence less scary to strangers. It might even keep architectdad around a little longer!

Anywho, it has been great this first time around, can't wait for the second!

1 comment:

Biggest Losers or Bust said...

honestly, cant imagine you not looking great even with the stringy hair. thanks for the honesty - keep it up!