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22 May 2007

::pumas for the whole family::

Today, during our baby playgroup, our new friend V gave Olivia a pair of infant pumas. Oh! They are adorable, but super cool at the same time. Thank you V!!!

Not only are the moms in our playgroup generous, they also help each other out tremendously. I am really impressed by the multi-tasking that takes place when we are all together. The truth is, most of the moms were career/professional women just until recently. Everyone made a choice (as I did) to stay home and raise her baby and I am so glad to be a part of the group. In fact, there is even a stay-at-home dad in the group. What a brave soul, right?!

Okay, back to the pumas. architectdad and I are both addicted to pumas. They are relatively inexpensive, yet versatile and well designed. We saw the baby pumas in the store but didn't buy them because O was still so young. But now that she is a little older, watch out! V says they are not great for walking, since they have soft soles, so we'll have to switch to another style when the time comes. But in the mean time, O'll be styling in her pink and white pumas.

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