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27 May 2007

::grouchy baby::

O has been very restless this week. Of course, being a first-time mom with a type A personality, I immediately thought she was sick with a cold or something. Well, it turns out, it's a combination of several factors.

First, she was moved from our room to the nursery a week ago, so she has not gotten used to the different light quality. Her room faces northeast, so she has been waking up with the sunrise. Architectdad went to IKEA and bought some aluminum mini blinds to block the morning sun; it apparently worked, because O woke up this morning at 9:30 bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

Second, the weather here in Washington has been crazy hot and humid. The city was built on a swamp basin, so there is tons of moisture but little air movement. This makes mommy and baby very cranky.

Third, we think O has been teething. It's hard to believe, but she is going to be 5 months old tomorrow! V came over with her daughter M, and husband D for a Memorial Day BBQ, so I took the opportunity to asked her what I should do. She suggested baby Orajel and silver teething ring. While I was pregnant, I heard that silver teething rings are good because they are not only easy to cool (in the refrigerator or cold water), but silver has antibacterial qualities as well. Of course, architectdad already took care of that and got O the Tiffany silver double ring teething rattle before she was born. Lucky girl!

Ahhh...it is finally raining outside. Maybe the storm will take the humidity away...

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