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10 July 2007

::happy b-day architectdad::

Happy b-day to you, happy b-day to you, happy b-day dear architectdad, happy b-day to you!

As most architects are, architectdad is meticulous and bordering on OCD. But that's why we get along so well ;-) While I've pretty much gotten used to the spit-ups and mysterious stains, architectdad is still somehow able to guard himself against baby mess.

Since O has started eating semi-solids, we've been trying out all sorts of different bibs in order to keep her somewhat clean. The Baby Bjorn rubber bib is great for big messes, but it's a little too big for O at the moment. The regular terry bibs are okay for small messes, but we end up doing more laundry than before. So, I've found an alternative.

Kipiis bib clips allows you to make a bib out of anything--paper towels, cloth napkins, kitchen towels, etc. By fastening two clips onto any of the above, and adjust the back to the size of your child's neck, you have an instant bib. The Kippiis can be adjusted to fit an infant as well as an adult (in case daddy is a messy eater!). Clip on a couple of Viva paper towels and you have a disposable, biodegradable bib solution! Rinse out the Kipiis and it's ready to be used again and again.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Architectdad - C & T are going to throw you a party - as soon as they stop washing each other's hair. check out the deleted scenes.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, them's fightin' words, Duckie...