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CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT: Family. Friends. Hounds. Books. The Beach. Autumn. Cameras. Computer. iPhone. The color orange. Caramel frappucino. The words "dude!" and "nice!". Oh...and world peace ;-)

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31 July 2007

::new look for binkies+noseprints::

Well, I finally got tired of my old blog background. I am in the process of revamping the whole layout. Since I am not a trained web professional, it will take me some time. In the meantime, enjoy the new (but temporary) ::b+n:: look!


Anonymous said...

i like it - not loving the all caps font at the top - at least it is hard to read on my screen...which, by the way, was tested by top nasa engineers to be dead on balls accurate. and yes, i'm sure.

Leslie C said...

Thank you Miss Mona Lisa Vito...you have been a fine witness.