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06 April 2007

::block the wee::

Okay, I realize that babies come in more than one model. However, since architectdad and I have the girl version, we have less experience with what a boy's parents need.

Apparently one must be very careful when changing the boy's diaper--projectile wee has often been reported. To contain the wee, someone has come up with the brilliant idea of a "weeblock." it is described on Pacifier online as "a cup-like covering that you place between [the boy's] legs at changing time."

Brightly colored designs with embroidered icons belies the weeblock's utilitarian makeup: super-soft 2-ply cotton jersey covers the secret weapon—a wee absorbing sponge. And best of all, the whole thing is machine washable.

If you are the parent of a boy, please check it out and let me know how well it works!

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