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18 April 2007

::runaway doggies::

Okay, let's get back to the hounds. Since beagles are scent hounds, their noses are always on high alert. To ensure that they can be located--in the event they run away with their noses--I use only ID tags that are attached directly to their collars. There are some beautiful, dangling ones out there--such as the ones from George SF--but I do not trust them to stay on.

My favorite ID tag of all time is the slide-on tags from Boomerang Tags. While these stainless steel tags are removable, they slide over the collar and stay flat against the dog's neck. You can slide them over any collar you have; there is even a model for adjustable collars, as well as a model for double-ply nylon collars. Also, if your dog is a rambunctious pup, the flat tag will prevent dog toes from entangling themselves during rough playtime.

Of course, the best defense against runaway doggies is microchipping. But the slide-on tags are definitely the next best thing.

Wait a minute, you could probably slide the tags over nylon straps on diaper bags too...ain't that something???


Biggest Losers or Bust said...

Just want to say I am enjoying your blog! would like to see more pics of O though!

Leslie C said...

Thanks Lauren! I posted a pic of O in my latest entry just for you...we hope to see you soon!