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18 April 2007

::soft like a baby's bottom::

Now, everyone assumes that their baby will come out baby pink and smooth, perfect complexion and all. Well, that is hardly the case. When O was born, her face looked like it'd been through an acid wash. It was red, peeling and puffy. Her hands and feet were wrinkled and grey. Her bottom was about the only area on her body that was soft and smooth.

Doctors will tell you to use Vaseline on your baby. Well, don't. Not only is that stuff oily and sticky, it contains mineral oil (petroleum!) which will most likely intensify any acne your baby may have. Petroleum is great for your SUV, but not for your baby.

I use Kiehl's baby products on O. I use the foaming wash for the bath, and the moisturizing cream for her face and body. I also bought the milk cleanser, diaper rash cream and the lip balm, but have not had a reason to use them because the other two products basically cover everything. The products are pediatrician tested and preservative free. The light fragrance is pleasant and hardly noticeable.

Obviously, your baby's skin will most likely clear up in a few weeks after the hormones in her body have leveled out. But in the mean time, Kiehl's products are perfect for her sensitive skin. Also, now that summer is almost here, try Kiehl's sun protection formulated for kids.

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