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05 April 2007

::three items that saved my sanity::

A good friend of mine (currently pregnant) is taking a survey of what three items a new mother could not do without. From my ::top 10 favorites:: list, I'd have to say the following three items saved my sanity:
  1. Vice Versa binkies: some babies have the strong need to suck even after they are full from milk; your baby may not need it since every baby is different; helps to calm O when she is fussy or sleepy
  2. Swaddle Designs ultimate receiving blanket: helped O sleep 10+ hours at night @ 7-weeks old; saved architectdad (who has a day job) from physical exhaustion
  3. Hotslings baby pouch sling: makes it possible for me to walk the baby and the 3 beagles all at the same time; saved me from stir-craziness

Also, O responds quite well to the rattle, especially when she is crying and nothing seems to be able to comfort her. It somehow distracts her and makes her calmer. Works really well when we try to stuff her into the car seat.

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